How to change your name reg­is­tered at the HU

New regulations under the Self-Determination Act in force since 1st November 2024

Since 1st November 2024, the Self-Determination Act (SBGG) has been in force, which makes it easier for transgender, intersex and non-binary people to have their gender entry in the civil status register and their first names changed.

At the HU, name changes on internal documents, i.e. entries in Moodle, Agnes, etc., have already been possible for some time upon presentation of the dgti ID card (ID card of the German Society for Trans* and Intersexuality e.V.); the SBGG now extends this to external documents such as certificates.

How does the name change work at the HU?


The contact persons for employees are the personnel departments. Sending a copy/scan of the relevant certificate is sufficient for a name change.


Comprehensive information on changing your name is provided by the Department of Student Affairs. Under the tab ‘Change of civil status’ you will also find a description of how to apply for a new copy of your degree documents even after exmatriculation. This is done centrally via the Examination Services Department, which will initiate all further steps.