Centre for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Dr. Ursula Fuhrich-Grubert
Central Women´s and Equal Opportunities Officer & Head of the Centre EDIB
Room 1023 chancengerechtigkeit@hu-berlin.de beratung.zfgb@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12830 -
Dr. Verena Namberger
Deputy Head of the Centre EDIB
Room 1021 chancengerechtigkeit@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12834 -
Elke Fitzner
Office management Centre EDIB
Room 1023 chancengerechtigkeit@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12832
Family Support Office
Gender Equality & Equity Office
Dr. Verena Namberger
Head of Gender Equality and Equity Offie & Deputy Central Women´s and Equal Opportunities Officer
Room 1021 gleichstellung@hu-berlin.de beratung.zfgb@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12834 -
Dr. Kristina Kütt
Gender Equality and Equity Office & Deputy Central Women´s and Equal Opportunities Officer
Room 1021 gleichstellung@hu-berlin.de beratung.zfgb@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12842 -
Caroline Kunert
Coordination Leadership Programme for Female Professors & Deputy Central Women´s and Equal Opportunities Officer
Room 1022 leadership-programm@hu-berlin.de beratung.zfgb@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12835 -
Ellen Pupeter
GeCo- GenderConsulting & METIS
Room 1020 geco-genderconsulting@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12836 -
Elke Fitzner
Office Commission for the Advancement of Women & Coordinator for the Advancement of Women Funds
Room 1023 foerderung.gleichstellung@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12832
Anti-Discrimination & Diversity Office
Katrin Meinke
Head of the Anti-Discrimination & Diversity Office
Room 1019 diversitaet@hu-berlin.de antidiskriminierung@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12839 -
Ahmmad Jalal Shirindell
Room 1019 diversitaet@hu-berlin.de antidiskriminierung@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12839
Berlin Equal Opportunities Program (BCP) Office
Stefanie Nordmann
Head of Berlin Equal Opportunities Program (BCP) Office
Room 1030 bcpprogramm@hu-berlin.de 030 2093 12840