Im­pres­sions from the Women's Ple­nary As­sem­bly, March 2024

Grußwort der Präsidentin der HU, Julia von Blumenthal im gut besuchten Senatssaal
Bild: Stefan Klenke

To mark International Women's Day, the Central Women's and Gender Equality Officer and her team hosted a women's plenary session. After a welcoming address by President Julia von Blumenthal, poetry slammer Paulina Behrendt performed her text "Schweigepflicht", which exposes the sexist norms and structures of our society. Various aspects of the topic of "Sexualised discrimination, harassment and violence at university" were then discussed in a World Café format.

Eindrücke der Vollversammlung

Diskutierende Frauen
Bild: Stefan Klenke